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- “Recover of transit times and frequencies of multiple pulses via the short-time Fourier Transform”, J. Manzanares-Martinez,C. I. Ham-Rodriguez, B.Manzanares-Martinez. Revista Mexicana de Fisica 64, 296 (2018).
- “Dispersion in acoustic waveguides—A teaching laboratory experiment”, K. Meykens, B. Van Rompaey, H. Janssen, Am. J. Phys 67, 400(1999).
- “Optical properties of a dielectric-metallic superlattice: the complex photonic bands”, D. Soto-Puebla, M. Xiao, F. Ramos-Mendieta, Physics Letters A 326, 273-280 (2004).
- “One-dimensional photonic heterostructure with broadband omnidirectional reflection”, J. Manzanares-Martinez et al, Progress in Electromagnetics Research 111, 105-117 (2011)
- “Heat reduction by thermal wave crystals”, A-LI Chen, et al, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 121, 215-222(2018).
- Measurement of photonic band structure in a two-dimensional periodic array, W. M. Robertson, et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 2023 (1992).
- Calculation of photon dispersion relations,Pendry & MacKinnon, Phys. Rev. Lett 69, 2772 (1992)
- Angular selection of incident waves by photonic crystals with position-varying Dirac points at the Brillouin zone boundary,Physiscal Review B 93,245116(2016)